For each documented MWE, IDION provides the following information:

  1. form, meaning, translation in a number of languages, one typical example of the usage of the expression on the Web
  2. technical information relevant to formal linguistic study and the usage of the content by  Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems: which MWE’s parts are fixed and which are not, if the order of the parts is fixed, morphological analysis, shallow syntactic analysis and alternative forms of the MWE, if they exist (inchoatives, passives, dative genitive form)
  3. semantic relations with other MWEs (synonyms, opposites, statives, possessives)
  4. sets of synonymous MWEs
  5. a set of syntactically and semantically correct usages of the MWE retrieved from corpora and the Web and a set of ungrammatical ones according to native speaker intuitions